Resort grid rows with Drag and Drop

Hi Everyone, In Acumatica 2018R1 we have a new cool feature to drag and drops rows of the grid to resort them. As you can see sorting is still based on database column (In my case it is Sort Order) but Acumatica can automatically reorder all rows based position you dropped it. This is just a first version so still have some limitations (like it is still not fully works with extensions for existing DACs), but I really like we can  bring new and very friendly user experience to ERP. How to implement it in own code? To have this feature you need to change several things in your Graph,… Read more

PXSelector and DirtyRead

Hi Everyone, Want to speak today about Dirty Read property of selector. Base explanation you can find in Acumatica API reference. How ever this one is very basic, so let me try to share with you real case. You may know about Readonly vs Merged data retrial from DataView. Basically if you use PXSelectReadonly data-view it will always return data only stored in database. If you use standard data-view like PXSelect Acumatica will get data from DB and than merge it with unsaved data from cache. This is fully applicable for data-views (PXSelect, PXSelectReadonly) and selectors as well. When you define PXSelectorAttribute than it will be always read-only by default.… Read more