Mass Processing using GI

Hi All,

Lets assume that you have multiple records where you need to mass execute some action or update multiple fields to the new value.
From the I100 Acumatica Integration Services Training course you may know that you can do it with Export or Import scenarios. Integration Scenarios are some sort of the small program inside your ERP where you can update multiple fields, calculate depended values, execute actions and so on.

update multiple fields to the new value

But what if you want to have more control on records need to be updated. Some sort of semi-manual mass updating tool? In this case Generic Inquiry Mass Update feature can be more interesting and useful.

update multiple fields to the new value

Lets try to use it.

I will share with you example based on Non-Stock Inventory items and we will click Update Cost button for multiple records.

update cost acumatica

To use GI Mass Actions you need to complete following steps:

  1. Create a generic inquiry for the required entity
    generic inquiry for the required entity
    1. Add new inquiry to the sitemap
    2. Select needed tables – In my case it is Inventory Item
    3. Define filters – In my case I filter non-stock items with standard cost valuation method
    4. Add field to result grid.
  2. On the Entry Point tab
    Point tab acumatica
    1. We need to select Data Entry page – exactly this page will handle all actions and business logic. In my case it is Non-Stock Items
    2. We need to activate “Mass Records Update” and “Mass Actions on Records” – this will show you 2 new tabs on GI designer screen
  3. On the Mass Update Fields select fields that you want to maintain. In my case it is Pending Cost and Pending Cost Date
    Pending Cost Date acumatica
  4. On the Mass Actions select all actions you want to use. In my case it is just Update Cost. Please not that all actions will have 2 buttons – Action and Action All – to handle one an all records.
    action records acumatica

Actually now you can use it:

You also can apply all required filters, conditions and other iterations on GI, so your mass processing will be as much interactive as it possible.

Have a nice configuration!

4 Replies to “Mass Processing using GI”

  1. Nector,
    There is some rules how new fields appears on "Update Fields" tab. For example field should be visible in UI and be enabled and be not read-only. You also cannot add fields from DACs other than primary.
    Hope it helps.

  2. How can we add fields on mass update fields?
    I am trying to add FOB Point on Vendor GI and I cannot find the FOB point field in Mass Update Fields tab.

    Thank you!

  3. Hi Jvanh,
    I see what are you trying to do, but personally haven't tried it. Could you please create a case for that with acumatica?

  4. How would one go about calling the UpdateAll method from the contract api? I have implemented the following but receive a null reference exception

    BatchUpdate updateBatch = new BatchUpdate { BranchID = new IntSearch { Value = branchID }, Start = new IntSearch { Value = start }, End = new IntSearch { Value = end } };

    updateBatch = client.Put(updateBatch) as BatchUpdate;

    UpdateAll action = new UpdateAll()
    FieldName = new StringValue { Value = "IVBatchNbr" },
    Name = new StringValue { Value = "Batch Nbr" },
    Selected = new BooleanValue { Value = true },
    Value = new StringValue { Value = batchNbr }

    InvokeResult invokeResult = client.Invoke(updateBatch, action);

    ProcessResult result = LongRunProcessor.GetProcessResult(client, invokeResult);
    catch (Exception e)


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