Extend Tax Calculation Precision

Hi All, A while ago I got a question about extract from document tax calculations in Acumatica. In Thailand there is requirement by law to calculate tax from Document Amount, however in Acumatica we have only option to extract tax from item amount. However this calculation is not aways correct due to rounding differences between line amounts and document amount. For example if you have 7% tax and 3 lines (47000, 18000, 9000) with total 74000 than: If you calc taxes from each line and sum it than you get Taxable Amt = 69,158.87, Tax Amt = 4,841.13 If we calc if using excel (Amt – Amt*1.07), than Taxable Amt… Read more

Tenant Selector In Acumatica

Hi All, Quick trick for you. If you need to link several tenants together, you can use the code from this article Tenant selector attribute: #region NeuralCompanySelectorAttribute public class CompanySelectorAttribute : PXCustomSelectorAttribute { public CompanySelectorAttribute() : base(typeof(UPCompany.companyID)) { DescriptionField = typeof(UPCompany.loginName); } protected virtual IEnumerable GetRecords() { PXCache cache = _Graph.Caches[typeof(UPCompany)]; Int32 current = PX.Data.Update.PXInstanceHelper.CurrentCompany; foreach (UPCompany info in PXCompanyHelper.SelectCompanies(PXCompanySelectOptions.Visible)) { if (current != info.CompanyID) yield return info; } } public override void DescriptionFieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e, string alias) { if (e.Row == null || (sender.GetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal) == null)) base.DescriptionFieldSelecting(sender, e, alias); else { UPCompany item = null; Object value = sender.GetValue(e.Row, _FieldOrdinal); Int32 key = (Int32)value; foreach (UPCompany info… Read more