Hi There, Have you seen a situation when you want to filter list in the selector by the custom field? Most probably yes, as that is quite common requirement form many different users. Here I want to show you how to do that easily based on example with custom field in Inventory Item. Custom Field First of all lets add a custom field to inventory item. nothing complicated, just a custom text box. Showing Field in Selector By default that field will not be shown in selector, but we can easily add it there by modifying PXUIField Attibute: Visibility = PXUIVisibility.SelectorVisible. public class InventoryItemExt : PXCacheExtension<PX.Objects.IN.InventoryItem> { #region UsrModuleNumber … Read more
Month: May 2017
Sending Notification Template from Custom Code
Hi There, Today want to share with you how to send emails from Acumatica custom code based on Notification Templates. User scenario is very simple – lets assume we want to send an email from Acumatica that informs about contract, quote expiration or something else. But in the same time we want to keep activity linked to our document for the future reference. Basically, if we do that manually we need to create new Email activity, fill all details there, attach to entity and send it than, The obvious way to automate it is usage of Notification Templates. Notification templates are special type of emails, that can be combined dynamically… Read more
End User Training Approach
Hi There, Some time ago I had a new great experience for me – doing training for ERP end users. In was interesting and different form all my previous training experience because of following things: Training was half online half on site. That means that half of the team was in the room and half of the team was online, so I had to find a balance between online and offline communication. End users are focused on process and not on configurations or understanding. End users expect system to be fully ready. We need to keep and ensure focus of onsite and remote users We need to understand knowledge of… Read more
Get PDF file from Report using Code
Hi Everyone, In this article I want to show you the way how you can dynamically generate PDF file from any report of Acumatica and attach if to an entity. I will do that on example of printing AR Invoice Form out of AR Invoice with custom button In general that task can be split in 4 steps: Defining reports parameters Creation and processing report Get report as PDF file Attach report to entity Parameters All reports have different parameter so before writing a code, check what parameters are required in that report. All parameter should be provided as dictionary – name/value. Report To work with reports you need a… Read more
Trial Balance Detailed Generic Inquiry
Hi All, During my last project I have faces a situation that Acumatica does not give us ability to see Trial Balance detailed by subaccount with denominated currency balance. That information might be needed because of integration with 3rd party system. They only things available: Account Summary Inquiry screen – it gives us account balances withing base and denominated currency, but it does not give us information about subaccounts. Trial Balance Detailed report – it gives us detailed information about subaccounts, but there is not balance in denominated currency. But we have a solution under the cut. But fortunately Acumatica has very powerful Generic Inquiries where we can construct such… Read more