Where Acumatica name came from?

Hi All, Just a short interesting question “Why Acumatica is named Acumatica”? Actually it is combination of words Accounting (accou-) and Automatics (-matic). So we get “Accu-matic-a” 🙂 Last “A” is just for good sound. Also if you ever found wandering why PXGraph is named as Graph, than there is a reason – it is related to data structure inside. Using DataViews you define relation between database tables. These relations looks like a graph-structure as has a lot of direct and indirect references back and forth. So that is the reason.

Field Event Sequence

Hi All, As you may know from, Acumatica events are triggered in the specific sequence. But there is sequence not only for event types, events for different row and field will be triggered within a specific sequence too. Rows With rows it is a bit easy:Insert/Update happens in the sequence how it was triggered. If you update a value it will trigger an event sequence for specific cache that was updated. In case event updates other caches, that they will be triggered also as soon as cache.Update/Insert/Delete is called.Save/Delete happens for primary cache first as it is associated with the button, than it will call PXParent Attributes in the sequence… Read more

Page Refresh and Redirection

Hi All, As you know Acumatica page submits all data to the server though different callbacks. This is good for network performance, but brings some limitations – like redirection. Unfortunately it is not possible to use Response.Redirect() during the callbacks as browser script does not expect it and can’t properly react. To solve some of these issues Acumatica uses different exceptions (like PXRedirectRequiredException, PXReportRequiredException and so on). These Exceptions will be handled by base code (Callback Manager) and translated to text commands that will be handled in JavaScript. For instance, PXRedirectRequiredException(WindowMode.New, SuppressFramceset = false) will be translated to eRedirect3:+<SomeURL>. You can read more about this mechanism here. This code is… Read more

Flags in PXGraph

Hi All, A short but useful article today – PXGraph is a center of the whole business logic in Acumatica framework and can be triggered from different places: UI, Web Services API, Mobile, Import and so on. As a developer you sometimes need to know what is the context of the request you are processing right now, so you can adjust the business logic. For this purpose PXGraph has a set of flags that are automatically triggered during different operations. Here they are: graph.IsImport – flag will be automatically set when Import/Export engine is working. This will be true for Import/Export scenarios, Web Services, Copy/Paste action, Mobile. So almost all… Read more

Success Story in Acumatica

Original Post is located here: https://www.facebook.com/acumaticarussia/posts/323585055218750 If you ask me about my 12 years story in Acumatica, I would say it was the story of luck multiplied by hard work. Part 1: Moscow: Hiring It was all started right after bachelor’s degree at my university. I started to search for a job and a friend of mine recommended a company with name SW Soft. I went there on interview where Mike and Andrew gave me two tasks (we still give it to all new candidates). Later these guys became great mentors for me. One of the tasks I have completed only from the second attempt. I still remember my fillings… Read more