Acuminator Outlining

Hello everyone!This is a third post in the series describing Acuminator. It will be dedicated to the feature called outlining. So, what does outlining mean? It’s an ability to collapse code parts unimportant to you at the moment in the code editor. I’m sure every .Net developer that uses Visual Studio or VS Code has seen this feature. You can collapse classes, methods and many other syntax structures. In C#, you can also add your own collapsible blocks with regions. Acuminator Outlining Now you may ask: “How is this feature related to Acumatica?” There are many really big BQL queries in Acumatica code. Some of them do not even fit… Read more

Acuminator Coloring

Good day, everyone!This is a second post in the series dedicated to the Acuminator. Today I would like to tell you more about the Acuminator syntax coloring. Feature Overview Syntax coloring is one of the most common and useful features given to programmers by development tools. It uses a simple idea – to emphasize some text in program by coloring it in different colors. This allows quickly and clearly show to a reader keywords, variable declarations and many other useful things. Our attention is drawn to words with a different color and this is used to show us the important parts of the code. The color itself also gives some… Read more

3rd annual Virtual Developer Conference

Hi all, Today I would share about a news about Acumatica Developer Conference. This is 3rd we organize this event to get everyone together. I will take place on 19-20 June. Here is the agenda For more information you can read it here And dont forget to register here Have a nice weekend everyone.

Non-Programming Customization with Automation Step

Hi all, As you many know about this ” Some Acumatica ERP functionality is implemented through automation steps, which are steps to be executed on an Acumatica ERP form for specific records or objects generated in the system, depending on the properties of the record or object. For a data entry Acumatica ERP form, you can create any number of automation steps that redefine the functionality of toolbar actions, add values to combo box lists, or provide default values for the form elements, based on the properties of the records under processing. ” – Help Document Today I would like to share with you about the ability to do customization with… Read more

Selecting data though Acumatica PXSelectorAttribute

Hi everyone, Today, I would like to share with you small tip to work with PXSelectorAttribute base on my experiences. Here is the story, let me image that you have the DAC and you want to add more information which is just supporting information and you dont want to save it. Please take a look on my DAC bellow. And now I would like to get the value of Default Price to display after I choose the Inventory Item. I will create code in the in the FieldUpdatedEvent like bellow In the conclusion, depends on your scenario you can use PXSelectorAttribute to get data from the cache. It would be… Read more